Saturday, July 5, 2008

Jesus will always like me?? - An incident interestingly funny!

A couple of weeks ago, this incident occurred to me.......It was an interesting one.! why will it not be? when some knocking at your door on a Sunday morning and telling you this....."Jesus will always like you my son...." I just thought of sharing this funny encounter between me and a couple of American guys trying to preach on Christianity and Jesus!!!

It was a dull Sunday morning and as usual slept very late the previous night and was in a kind of good sleep. There came these guys knocking on my apartment doors. As my other roommates were also in good sleep, nobody really bothered to open the door to check out who it is? After a wait for few seconds, I decided to go and check!! (The true reason is....I was awaiting an delivery from UPS....he he) When I opened the door, these guys in bright white shirts and black trousers.....standing tall with a book and some pamphlets....I got the hint immediately who these guys are!!( Who would have missed these guys in India distributing pamphlets and stuff in bus stands, railway station etc etc....)So, I was like double thing is it is not my UPS delivery guy and other thing is seeing these guys as the first thing to see on a Sunday morning!! The only thing I was thinking at that moment was to "How to get rid of 'em real quick?"
There was an old man looking perfectly in a attire of a Pasteur.....and 2 other guys....(very young) just standing behind him! (May be his students/trainees/apprentices/subordinates/ u name it??) He smiled at me and started straight away asking "How are you young man? May the Christ give you a perfect joyful day today!!" In reply I gave a most hesitant smile I could ever give!! Then, he moved on to ask me "Do you believe in God?" I was very swift in answering him "No". I don't know what prompted me so quick. only thing I had in my mind is to get rid of these guys!!! The guy showed no surprise at all as if he was expecting only a "No" from me. He asked me then..."Are you sure you don't believe?". I was like...more determined now to get rid of them. So I replied with smile "Yes...I never believed God exist" to make him believe am not lying. He then asked me "why?". I never expected this...I cant give a long pause too! So I replied.."I never thought I should believe in it" It looked very funny to me but I couldn't laugh aloud. He was still stubborn and asked me the next question!! "Did you ever followed any religion back home at least?" I gave another blatant lie...but very stubborn and with a serious face....(Coz I am not able to get rid of him and he is wasting my sleep time!!!) "I don't like to follow any religion anytime and also I don't like discussing about GOD" I was showing my frustration in the reply!! But he was still cool...but he ultimately decided to move to next apartment!!! I felt much relieved!! Then finally he said "Alright then...Have a Good day". As I was about to shut the door...He turned back and came to me and said "One minute sir!!! I would like to say one thing to you!!" "You know what? Jesus will always like people like you...Because you spoke truth and He, the Lord like the one who speaks truth always!!!" I was smiling instantly and replied him "Thanks".

The incident was interesting to me since I saw this as one person trying to get rid of it all the time and other trying to find something out of nothing.....!! It was funny one in the end!!
Hope you liked it...